Series of mini-lectures about the philosophy of mind, prepared by The Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies. Each lecture is devoted to some important issue or to a particular person from that area.
Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies has made a series of mini-lectures on Philosophy of Mind. Each lecture is 15-20 minutes long and presents the most important issues, conceptions and persons from that area. This series is what you need for the first acquaintance with the philosophy of mind. A general view on the key arguments and the central accounts of that field can also be helpful for the specialists.
1. Introduction. The place of philosophy of mind in the contemporary philosophy. V. Vasilyev
2. Descartes’ substantial dualism. The origins of philosophy of mind. A. Besedin
3. The definition of consciousness. V. Vasilyev
4. Qualia. The enigma of phenomenal consciousness. A. Besedin
5. Mental faculties. V. Vasilyev
6. The Mind-body problem: methodological aspects. V. Vasilyev
7. Substantial dualism. A. Besedin
8. Constitutive panpsychism. Consciousness is fundamental. A. Kuznetsov
9. Emergentism. Consciousness as an emergent entity. V. Vasilyev
10. The mind-brain identity theory. V. Vasilyev
11. Eliminativism. Consciousness doesn’t exist. A. Besedin
12. The problem of mental causation. A. Kuznetsov
13. Epiphenomenalism. A. Besedin
14. Local interactionism. The solution of mind-body problem. V. Vasilyev
15. Mary the neuroscientist. A. Kuznetsov
16. The Chinese Room. A. Besedin
17. Biological naturalism. The theory of consciousness of John Searl. V. Vasilyev
18. Naturalistic dualism. The theory of consciousness of David Chalmers. V. Vasilyev
19. The philosophy of Jaegwon Kim and the metaphisical problems of physicalism. A. Kuznetsov
20. New mysterianism. The theory of consciousness of Colin McGinn. V. Vasilyev
21. Does the armchair philosophy of mind possible? V. Vasilyev
22. The Philosophy of mind and the cognitive neuroscience. A. Kuznetsov
↑ 1. Introduction. The place of philosophy of mind in the contemporary philosophy. V. Vasilyev
↑ 2. Descartes’ substantial dualism. The origins of philosophy of mind. A. Besedin
↑ 3. The definition of consciousness. V. Vasilyev
↑ 4. Qualia. The enigma of phenomenal consciousness. A. Besedin
↑ 5. Mental faculties. V. Vasilyev
↑ 6. The Mind-body problem: methodological aspects. V. Vasilyev
↑ 7. Substantial dualism. A. Besedin
↑ 8. Constitutive panpsychism. Consciousness is fundamental. A. Kuznetsov
↑ 9. Emergentism. Consciousness as an emergent entity. V. Vasilyev
↑ 10. The mind-brain identity theory. V. Vasilyev
↑ 11. Eliminativism. Consciousness doesn’t exist. A. Besedin
↑ 12. The problem of mental causation. A. Kuznetsov
↑ 13. Epiphenomenalism. A. Besedin
↑ 14. Local interactionism. The solution of mind-body problem. V. Vasilyev
↑ 15. Mary the neuroscientist. A. Kuznetsov
↑ 16. The Chinese Room. A. Besedin
↑ 17. Biological naturalism. The theory of consciousness of John Searl. V. Vasilyev
↑ 18. Naturalistic dualism. The theory of consciousness of David Chalmers. V. Vasilyev
↑ 19. The philosophy of Jaegwon Kim and the metaphisical problems of physicalism. A. Kuznetsov
↑ 20. New mysterianism. The theory of consciousness of Colin McGinn. V. Vasilyev
↑ 21. Does the armchair philosophy of mind possible? V. Vasilyev
↑ 22. The Philosophy of mind and the cognitive neuroscience. A. Kuznetsov

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