HSE School of Philosophy

One of the leading philosophical centers in Russia, an excellent launching pad for people looking for their way in the world of philosophical and scientific knowledge.

The School of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities of the Higher School of Economics is one of the leading philosophical centers in Russia, implementing undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate educational programs that combine national traditions of teaching philosophy and the most effective training practices for young researchers and teachers. The teaching staff of the school includes well-known scientists and teachers who enjoy well-deserved international recognition.

The School has 8 research groups working in the areas of "Philosophy of Science", "Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies", "Phenomenology and Hermeneutics", "Logic and Formal Philosophy", "Ancient Philosophy", "Practical Philosophy", "European Philosophy from the Middle Ages to Modern Times", "Metaphysics and epistemology." The School's staff also participates in the work of the International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy and the Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy at the HSE. The school publishes an electronic journal "Philosophy", intended not only for specialists, but for everyone interested in a wide range of philosophical problems. School staff regularly take part in third-party educational and scientific-educational projects. 

The school actively supports various forms of cooperation with philosophical centers in Russia, Europe, the USA and China — from student, postgraduate and teaching internships to joint research projects, publications of scientific literature, scientific conferences.

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HSE School of Philosophy

One of the leading philosophical centers in Russia, an excellent launching pad for people looking for their way in the world of philosophical and scientific knowledge.

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