The Faculty of Philosophy of MSU

The leader of philosophical education in Russia. 16 departments, about 200 faculty and scientific staff, more than 200 graduates annually.

The Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University is the leader of philosophical education in Russia.

The faculty consists of 16 departments, the educational laboratory of information systems in Humanitarian Education, the Laboratory for the Study of Modern Religious Processes, the Center for Creative Industries, the Moscow Center for the Study of Video Games, the Center for the Consciousness Studies and the Scientific and Educational Center "Cogito Art Gallery". The faculty has about 200 faculty and scientific staff, 95% of whom are doctors and candidates of sciences; among them are 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, well-known experts in the field of science, education and culture, prominent scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureates of state awards. Prominent scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences are also involved in teaching at the faculty.

The faculty conducts training on the basis of independently established educational standards of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Graduates of the faculty annually become more than 200 people who have completed bachelor's and master's degrees in one of 5 areas: "Philosophy", "Religious Studies", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Cultural Studies" and "Political Science". Students receive fundamental training in humanities, natural sciences and special philosophical disciplines, including ontology and theory of knowledge, logic, history of philosophy, philosophy and methodology of science, social philosophy and philosophy of history, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of language, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, philosophy of politics and law, history and theory of the world culture, etc . Graduates of the faculty find themselves in the field of science and education, culture and art, business, politics and the media; they can also continue their scientific and educational trajectory at the faculty - in postgraduate and doctoral studies.

In addition to higher education, the faculty implements professional retraining and advanced training programs in a wide range of specialties. Special attention is paid to pre-university training and education: the faculty has philosophy clubs for junior and secondary school children, preparatory courses are taught for high school students, Olympiads are organized annually for university applicants.

The Faculty conducts active international cooperation: partnership programs have been established — including scientific exchange programs and joint scientific events — with universities in the USA, Germany, France, Poland, China, the Czech Republic and many other countries. More than 150 foreign students, postgraduates, doctoral students and interns study at the faculty every year. Dozens of well-known foreign philosophers annually visit the faculty with courses of lectures, public speeches, to participate in scientific conferences, congresses, round tables and other major scientific events organized at the faculty on average about 20 times a year.

The best lectures of visiting professors, as well as selected dissertations of students and the best author's training courses of employees, are published in the faculty's own series of books. In addition to them, the faculty publishes its own scientific philosophical journal — "Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 7. Philosophy" (included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission), and also supports the publication of textbooks and monographs of employees — about 20 books annually.

In addition to educational and scientific activities, the faculty conducts active educational and popularization work: its employees regularly perform on third-party platforms, read open lectures available to everyone, become guests of educational and scientific-educational programs.

The faculty carefully preserves and develops the traditions of philosophical education in Russia: Keeping its chronicle since the foundation of Moscow University in 1755, the faculty over its long history has become the birthplace of dozens of major scientific schools, home to hundreds of brilliant scientists, the birthplace of thousands of bright graduates and can rightfully be proud of its contribution to Russian science and culture.

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