Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The country's leading research institution in the field of philosophy. 26 sectors, over 250 researchers, 90 doctors of sciences and 115 candidates of sciences, about 100 books and over 1000 scientific articles annually.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the country's leading research institution in the field of philosophy. The Institute includes 26 sectors and one research center. The Institute employs over 250 researchers, including 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 90 doctors of Sciences and 115 candidates of Sciences; among the employees are members of foreign academies of sciences, leaders of international philosophical societies, laureates of international awards. The main areas of research are epistemology and logic, philosophy of science and technology, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of religion, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of culture, historical and philosophical studies and interdisciplinary human studies. The Institute has more than 40 permanent theoretical seminars; hundreds of different scientific forums and congresses are held annually.

The main scientific results of the Institute are reflected in the books and articles of its employees. Every year the Institute publishes about 100 books — collective works, individual studies, including in foreign languages, editions and translations of philosophical classics, as well as textbooks. Among the most significant book projects of the Institute, not counting archival ones (in particular, the classic book series "Philosophical Heritage", which included over 130 volumes of works by classics of world philosophy), are the book series "Philosophy of Russia", "History of Eastern Philosophy", "Comparative Philosophy", "Philosophical Thought of the Islamic World", "Monuments of Ancient Russian thought: Studies and texts", "Philosophical theology", edition of the collected works of I. Kant with a parallel text in German and Russian, a project for the translation and scientific commentary of the primary sources of stoic philosophy, etc.

Every year, the Institute's staff publishes over 1,000 articles in journals, collections and conference materials. The Institute is the founder of 11 scientific journals (not counting archival ones), including the leading philosophical periodicals of the country, 7 of which are included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, 3 are indexed in Web of Science, 2 in Scopus (among them: "Questions of Philosophy", "Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", "Philosophical Journal", "Philosophy of Science and Technology", "Logical Research", "Ethical Thought", "History of Philosophy", "Historical and Philosophical Yearbook", etc.), and also participates in the publication of a dozen other journals related to philosophical topics.

Special attention is paid to encyclopedic works aimed at systematization of modern philosophical knowledge. In recent years, the Institute has published the "New Philosophical Encyclopedia" in 4 volumes (over 5000 articles), "Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy", "Philosophy of Buddhism", "Ancient Philosophy: an Encyclopedic Dictionary", "Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary", "Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science", etc.

Publications of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as video and audio materials of most scientific events are placed in open access, which contributes to the dissemination of philosophical knowledge. Among the most significant special educational projects of the Institute is a joint project with the Moscow City Library. Dostoevsky's "Anatomy of Philosophy: how the text works"; a joint project with the Center for Franco-Russian Studies in Moscow French Philosophical Club for Francophones of Moscow "La Philosophie d'expression Francaise"; a series of lectures with the support of the Cultural Center. Jawaharlal Nehru at the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation "Russian Indologists about India: a series of popular lectures"; a joint project with the State Museum of L.N. Tolstoy — a series of philosophical seminars "Philosophy in Literature. Literature in philosophy. The path laid by Leo Tolstoy" and many others.

The Institute also conducts scientific and educational activities. The structure of the Institute includes a Scientific and Educational Center that carries out activities for the training of highly qualified personnel (there are postgraduate and doctoral studies), advanced training and professional retraining in additional education programs. It includes the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, the main institution for teaching history and philosophy of science to graduate students and applicants in the entire system of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Department of Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures, the first UNESCO chair in Philosophy in Russia, which is the leading Russian center for philosophical comparative studies. The Center also implements research, scientific consulting, editorial and publishing and organizational projects, cooperates with Russian and foreign educational institutions, international organizations and companies.

The Institute conducts active international cooperation. The Institute is a member of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (The International Federation of Philosophical Societies), takes an active part in the preparation and holding of World Philosophical Congresses, participates in annual meetings and conferences of the International Institute of Philosophy (Paris), is a member of the International Association of Research Institutes of Philosophy of the CIS countries, Asia and Europe, established on the basis of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Institute actively cooperates with leading scientific and educational centers in Italy, France, Germany, Serbia, Turkey, Iran, India, China, Mongolia and many other countries. Every year dozens of foreign scientists visit the Institute within the framework of cooperation agreements, to participate in scientific conferences, seminars, readings, as well as for postgraduate and doctoral studies and scientific internships.

For more than 90 years, the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been the main engine of Russian philosophical research.

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